Reaching new heights at the Downer Getaway Camp

Posted on Thursday, December 6, 2018

We were delighted with the success of the annual Downer Getaway Camp which saw 20 Brightwater disability clients take part in an exhilarating four-day outdoor adventure full of exciting adrenaline enhancing activities.  

In 2017 the camp had a strong sensory focus, with art and craft, dancing, team games and music providing the opportunity for participants to explore and express their creativity. This year the camp focused on activities in the great outdoors, including archery, abseiling, canoeing and team games suitable for clients with stronger physical capabilities.

“It’s tiring but it’s great fun”, said Brightwater’s Coordinator, Volunteer Services, Wendy Delahoy-Bianchi.

“The camp takes people out of their comfort zone. Living in care can be repetitive so it is great for clients to have the opportunity to break out of normal routines and enjoy a holiday.  Men outnumber women in disability services by three to one, so the majority of the campers are mature-age men with an average age of 48. Many of them enjoy the physical challenge and it is amazing to see their achievements and smiles,” said Wendy.

The camp is a rewarding experience for residents, volunteers and staff involved from both Downer and Brightwater and we are very grateful to Downer for making this dream a reality for the past three years.

Visit our Facebook page to see some fantastic shots from the day. 
