Important Update: COVID-19 and Residential Aged Care

Posted on Friday, April 24, 2020

From Brightwater CEO Jennifer Lawrence:

Brightwater has restricted visitors to all residential sites since 19th March and to date all sites remain COVID-19 free.

We continue to see the impact of COVID-19 on aged care sites in the Eastern States and overseas, and current visitor restrictions have been fundamental to keeping our clients safe.

Brightwater understands that this situation has been very difficult for families.

Given that Western Australia has slowed the infection rate, we are reviewing when we are able to relax some of the current restrictions.

This is an important and complex decision and there are many factors we must consider before implementing this decision. 

Any changes will not see a return to full access at this stage, and visitors will be required to adhere to a number of conditions recommended by the Government including social distancing, evidence of an up to date flu vaccination, temperature checking and limited visitation periods.  

Our intention is to advise you in the next week of our new arrangements. 

The safety of our clients remains our highest priority, and we know you share this responsibility with us.

We must all continue to work together at this time, and I thank you for your ongoing support. 
