One-stop shop for NDIS tools and resources

Posted on Friday, August 9, 2019

We have developed an online toolkit to help guide individuals with disability, their support network, health professionals and service providers to effectively access and pre-plan for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Available via our website, the NDIS Toolkit guides users on how to get started and apply for the NDIS, and provides information and resources to help health professionals and service providers better understand their role. Designed to take out the guesswork, the toolkit will help check eligibility for the NDIS, provide information on how to make a successful NDIS Access Request and prepare for planning meetings.

 In the ever changing NDIS landscape, a one-stop shop of information and resources to help people with complex support needs to navigate the system was lacking. The NDIS toolkit fills this gap and helps guide individuals with disability and their families, friends, carers and guardians  on how to effectively access the NDIS and pre-plan for the supports they need.  It also gives the necessary information for human service providers including health professionals and disability service providers to understand their roles and responsibilities,” said Brightwater General Manager, Community Services, Janet Wagland.

We encourage users to visit the NDIS Toolkit and provide feedback via the online survey, in order for us to continue to provide the best one-stop shop possible.
