Brightwater CEO to join UWA think tank

Posted on Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Brightwater Care Group CEO Jennifer Lawrence has been appointed to the advisory board of The University of Western Australia’s newest think tank, the UWA Public Policy Institute.

Ms Lawrence will take her place alongside an influential group of current and former national and international policy makers including board chair and former Foreign Affairs Minister, Professor Stephen Smith, plus former Western Australian Premiers Colin Barnett and Carmen Lawrence.

Ms Lawrence said she was delighted to be named as a not-for-profit representative on the inaugural advisory board, as the institute has many opportunities to have a real impact not only in Western Australia but across the Indian Ocean Rim and into the broader Indo-Pacific region.

“The not-for-profit sector is a significant contributor to Western Australia that improves the lives of many people within communities across the state. I am excited that the sector has been included in a forum whose research and policy outcomes have the potential to benefit many more beyond our shores,” Ms Lawrence said.

“I’m sure I will learn a great deal from my fellow board members, and I hope be able to influence the agenda, discussions and scope of research to include human services such as ageing and disability.

“I look forward to using my experience in the not-for-profit human services sector to champion issues that are common worldwide – for example, positive ageing and age-friendly communities, which are important no matter where we live.”

To find out more about the institute and other advisory board members, visit the UWA Public Policy Institute website.
