Apple watch and television assist in Pam’s core care

Posted on Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Technology can open up a world of possibilities, so when Pam was recently given an Apple Watch and Television through Brightwater’s Life’s Possibilities fundraising program she was absolutely ecstatic.

Pam is a resident at Brightwater Marangaroo, home to Brightwater’s Disability Transitional Accommodation Program.

Pam’s new gadgets have provided her with a sense of independence and confidence. With help from her carers and therapy team, Pam uses the calendar feature on her Apple Watch to stay across her daily schedules so that she can be prepared for what the day holds, including her speech and physiotherapy sessions and the most anticipated time of day – tea time!

Pam also enjoys checking the weather on her watch and being able to check the date easily in case she gets stuck when chatting to people.

As for the Television, Pam was beyond excited to explore YouTube and Netflix when it arrived. Pam enjoys watching movies of her choice on the big screen and loves watching geography and travel documentaries and reminiscing about Esperance and other places she’s visited.

The Life’s Possibilities program gives clients the chance to enjoy experiences that most take for granted. The program provides opportunities for the socialisation and wellbeing of our disability and aged care clients, enabling individuals and groups to enjoy new experiences, new programs, outings and in-house events.

Find out more about Life’s Possibilities here.

