Annie turns 100!

Posted on Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Yesterday, Brightwater At Home client Annie Leon celebrated her 100th birthday.

Annie, who lives independently in a Booragoon retirement village, is super proud to have reached this milestone, and doesn’t feel her age at all. “I’m trying to feel 100 – it’s very difficult!” she said.

So, what’s Annie’s secret?

A popular question on everyone's lips, Annie has given some thought to what is, in fact, her secret to living such a long life. At her birthday gathering over the weekend, her son Yuric beautifully articulated his mother’s formula in three parts:

  1. Curiosity – Stay curious about people, places and the planet. For example, Annie loves David Attenborough, and she’s learning every day!
  2. Connection with nature – Annie has always been an outdoor person. Having lived in the countryside in Scotland and in Australia for many years, she's particularly fond of nature. She also loves all creatures, and has reared many pigs, chooks, cats, dogs, geese and pheasants over the years!
  3. Appreciation – Always appreciate others, try not to complain and never blame. Live life with an 'attitude of gratitude'!

For Annie, all of this is sprinkled with a good sense of humour. She says that while this formula may not help us all live longer, it will help us get more life out of every day!

Today, Annie received a letter and centenarian pendant from Hon Mick Murray, Minister for Seniors and Ageing, and she’s also eagerly awaiting her letter from the Queen!

Annie’s advice for the younger generation is to “stay happy and do it while you can.” As she always says to her support worker Lilly, "when you can’t do it, you’ll want to do it".

So if you’re reading this, if you can, skip the lift and take the stairs instead!
