A passionate path leads Sandra in the right direction

Posted on Wednesday, August 28, 2019

In light of Speech Pathology Week, we are celebrating one of our fantastic employees - Sandra, who makes a significant difference to the lives of Brightwater residents every day.

Sandra was following a career path she didn’t enjoy, and was eager to pursue a job in healthcare, where she could make a real difference to the lives of those around her. She had an interest in Speech Pathology and decided to find out more about the profession by volunteering alongside other Speech Pathologists.

“I fell in love with the profession and have never looked back,” she said.

Sandra completed her masters in December 2018, and started working with Brightwater in March this year.

This is a new career path for me and I feel very fortunate to do something that I love everyday. I get to meet so many different residents and love getting to know them, hearing about their lives, experiences and accomplishments.

I heard a quote by Dr David Sheard recently which was “Enabling their spirits to flourish” and this has really inspired me to aim to do this when I come to work everyday,” said Sandra.

Sandra said she looks forward to being part of the team that is launching Brightwater’s Specialist Dementia Care Program at The Village, as it is an amazing opportunity to contribute to the evidence on person-centred care for people with dementia with severe behaviour and psychological symptoms.

If not working as a Speech Pathologist, Sandra said she would probably still be working as an Account Manager, and not be particularly excited about going to work.

We’re delighted Sandra has found a career she is truly passionate about, and grateful of the positive impact she makes on clients lives each and every day.
