What support does the NDIS cover?

Posted on Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The NDIS is currently rolling out across WA.

If you’re eligible for the NDIS, there’s a lot to get your head around.

One of the most common questions is: what does the NDIS cover?

In a nutshell, NDIS funding is available for ‘reasonable and necessary supports’ that help you increase your independence, stay engaged with the community, and ultimately, enjoy a better quality of life.

Now – that doesn’t mean the NDIS will fund your new PlayStation because it’s “a great way to meet like-minded friends”. While new gaming gear could be beneficial – it’s not related to your disability.

Chances are if it doesn't directly relate to your support needs and disability, it won’t be covered.

Here’s what can be covered by the NDIS.

Support for everyday life

One of the core supports NDIS can cover is assistance with daily living.

This includes personal care, budgeting your money and paying bills, and developing the skills you need to improve your day to day life.

It also includes assistance with household tasks. You might have a support worker come over and help with cooking and cleaning. And if you don’t need someone’s help, you just need something – that can be covered, too.

Home modifications or accommodation

As we said – you might not need an extra pair of hands to do what you want.

Your NDIS funding could cover making design and structural changes to your home that enhance your independence. That might mean lowering the kitchen bench so you can prepare food easier or adding rails in the shower so you don’t need assistance.

And if you need help finding a place to live, the NDIS can help with that too. Your funding won’t cover your rent but it will cover the resources to help you find a roof to put over your head. But if you do need to explore supported accommodation options, the NDIS (along with your disability support pension) may co-fund your accommodation costs.

Social and behavioural support

Staying social is important for our mental wellbeing.

The NDIS can help you connect with the community and get involved with social activities. One-on-one support could be an effective way to develop your social skills, so you can meet people and make friends easier.

You can also access behavioural support to look at how you respond to things that frustrate you and how you manage your emotions.

Help finding and keeping a job

Work affects your livelihood, so this is an important one.

The NDIS can help make sure you not only find a job, but keep a job. 

You might want tips on how to get started, options for supported employment, or help building skills through therapy or work experience programs.

And if getting to and from work is difficult because of your disability, an allowance for transport can be covered, too.

Aids, equipment and assistive technology

If there are products or devices out there that can make the world more accessible for you, the NDIS could cover it.

Mobility aids like scooters, wheelchairs and walkers are common ones. These days, there’s a huge range of things that can make you more independent.

Adaptive utensils could help improve your grip when eating. Bed rails and hoists could make getting in and out of bed less of a struggle. Non-slip bathmats and shower stools can make showering without assistance a safer experience. In some cases, the NDIS could even cover vehicle modifications to suit your support needs.

In your NDIS planning meeting, make sure you talk about what aids, equipment or technology you’re currently using, and do some research on what could make life easier. Your planner will want to know how any new products or devices can help improve your independence, when you’d use it and how often.

At Brightwater, we specialise in supporting adults with complex disabilities. We also offer a free pre-planning service to help you get started with the NDIS.

Click below to download your planning booklet – this will help you get prepared for your NDIS planning meeting. You can also give us a call on 1300 223 968 – we’re here to help.
