Over $26,000 raised in Christmas Appeal

Posted on Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Late last year, we launched our 2019 Christmas Appeal in the hopes of raising $25,000 to grant 250 wishes for our clients.

As part of our Life's Possibilities initiative, the Christmas Appeal aimed to bring joy to the lives of our clients, particularly those living with acquired brain injury and disability.

A short video showcased some of these wishes, helping us drive donations and make small wishes come true.

We received a number of corporate donations from companies, partners and suppliers, as well as donations from the general public, other clients, volunteers and our own staff. Thanks to all of these people, we were able to exceed our target and raise just over $26,000.

Here are some of the wishes we've granted so far.

Nick's V8 hot lap

Nick is an Oats Street client with an acquired brain injury. He's been into cars since he can remember and likes to get involved in any and all car-related activities, and enjoys diving deep into the complex inner workings of vehicles.

Nick's wish was to experience a V8 hot lap. With pro racecar driver Dean Fiore at the wheel, Nick had a blast doing laps at Barbagallo Raceway.

Thank you to Fastlane Racing and Barbagallo Raceway for an experience Nick will not forget!

You can watch Nick's hot lap here.

Aiden's skydiving experience

Aiden is an equally adventurous Oats Street client, with a wish to go skydiving. He has an acquired brain injury and gets around on a wheelchair – but that hasn't stopped his wish from coming true!

Aiden has always been an adrenaline junkie who loves adventure and being active. His hope for rehabilitation is to be as independent as possible and participate in all the activities other people his age do.

Aiden's mum and her partner were on the sidelines to share the moment with Aiden.

You can watch a video of his experience here. Thank you to iFly Perth for the fantastic footage and an amazing experience!

Mark's Christmas with family

Mark was once a very fit and active entrepreneur, but unfortunately suffered a cardiac arrest which resulted in a brain injury. Today, Mark requires very high care, and is unable to spend as much time with his family as they all would like. His wish was simply to be home for Christmas.

Using donations from our Christmas Appeal, we were able to provide a much-needed ramp and support from our Enrolled Nurse, Myriam, at his family home. This support meant that Mark's wife Wendy, daughter Demi and son Monty could enjoy family time solely as family, and not as carers.

Thank you to everyone who donated

We're still busy granting more wishes, including Tanya's trip to Kalgoorlie, Julian's journey to Rottnest, Tom's Busselton fishing trip, Natasha's Margaret River adventure and many more.

Click here to learn more about our Life's Possibilities initiative or to make a donation.
