You’ve had your ACAT assessment, and you’ve been approved for a Home Care Package, so how do you make an application?
The first thing you will need is your letter confirming your package assignment. This letter will read ‘you’ve been assigned a home care package’ and includes your referral code. Which is your unique reference number for receiving services, which you will need to give to your chosen provider.
You have 56 days from the date of your letter to enter into a home care agreement with your chosen aged care provider.
If you would like some advice on choosing an aged care provider, click here.
Choosing Brightwater
If you would like to proceed with Brightwater as an aged care provider, give us a call on 1300 223 968 or email [email protected].
Our Welcome Team will review your support plan and the level of care you require. We will also arrange a face-to-face appointment at home at a time convenient to you.
After meeting with you at home, our team then supports you with the paperwork process including the services agreement, payment options, income and asset assessment. They will also begin discussions with our scheduling team to make sure we can action the new services in a timely manner.
Once the paperwork is complete and a start date confirmed with our scheduling team, we’ll confirm when our first visit will be.