Headphones a hit at Brightwater Kingsley

Posted on Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The movers and groovers were in full force last week at our Kingsley transition care home, celebrating our new Brightwater branded headphones.

We’re delighted to have received our very own Brightwater branded headphones to use across our Music Pharmacy program, with their inaugural use at a buzzing silent disco for residents and staff last Thursday. 

The Music Pharmacy aims to build self-confidence by providing personally-tailored music for a person with dementia while using technology appropriate to their needs.

“Music encourages communication between individuals, family and staff and facilitates communication among people in group settings.

It can support cultural and personal connections, reduce isolation and facilitate social interactions. It encourages verbal communication, improves alertness and stimulates memories. Music can also reduce feelings of pain and distress and improve cognition.

Music is a powerful medium to stimulate emotions, memories and movement so I’m thrilled that these new Brightwater headphones will enable regular ‘moving and grooving’ at Kingsley,” said Hayley Antipas, Music and Wellbeing Coordinator. 

Residents and staff had a delightful time dancing and singing to music on three different stations available via the headphones. Some residents, who are sedentary on a day to day basis, were up dancing with gleaming smiles from ear to ear. One gentleman, who is wheel chair bound had a spectacular dance with Rae, Therapy Assistant at Brightwater Kingsley. 

“This fabulous program brings so much fun, joy and emotion to the clients and staff (and sometimes the family members too) at Kingsley. We really appreciate it. If you didn’t notice, I had a ball this morning!” said Judith.

If you are interested in finding out more about the Music Pharmacy, please email Hayley at [email protected].
