Brightwater’s Phase 3: An update to visitor restrictions (community houses)

Posted on Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Thank you for your continued support in keeping your family member safe. We are now almost a month into our eased visitor restrictions and I thank you for your patience as we put in place a number of new measures to ensure this can continue to be done safely and efficiently.

Following Western Australia’s general easing of community restrictions, we are making the following changes to our visitor guidelines, effective from Wednesday 10 June 2020:

  • Controlled community access, with individual risk assessments conducted for each resident as required; and
  • Visitor pool now increased to eight nominated and registered people (previously it was four) including allowing for registered visitors under the age of 16.

Please note that all other restrictions as previously advised remain in place.  These include:

  • no visits from a person who has travelled outside of Australia in the last 14 days;
  • no visits from a person who has been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days;
  • no visits from a person who has a temperature higher than 37.5 degrees or symptoms of acute respiratory infection;
  • pre-booking of all visits and screening questionnaire to be completed for each visit;
  • we also continue to recommend you have an up to date flu vaccination.

What does this change on 10 June 2020 mean for you and your family member?

You can now nominate a further four visitors to be on your family member’s registered visitors’ list. These extra four people can include children under the age of 16. You can do this by contacting your family member’s home directly with details.

Please remember all visits must continue to be pre-booked and you will also need to continue to follow the screening process for each visit. 

We also ask that you follow good hand hygiene and physical distancing at all times and we encourage you to download the Federal Government’s COVID Safe app.

We will continue to review the situation and be guided by Federal and State Government advice and the law.  Any changes will be communicated to you.  

Thank you for your continued support in keeping everyone safe.
