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Brightwater Senior Story Kate Ramsay Video

Kate Ramsay | Senior Story

Across our aged care, home care and retirement communities, there are thousands of stories of a life well lived. This is Kate's.

Having grown up in turbulent times and battled through scoliosis, Kate has lived a colourful life on the stage, including a role as Queen Victoria.

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Waiting Lists In Residential Aged Care Article

Waiting lists in residential aged care

Finding a residential aged care home can be an extensive process, so when you find a few preferred options, it can be disheartening to hear there may not be a place available. We’re here to say, don’t be too disheartened about waitlists. Here is what you need to know about being put on a waitlist in residential aged care.

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How Can I Structure My Home Care Budget Article

How can I structure my Home Care budget?

If you’ve been approved for a Home Care Package (HCP), the next step is to decide which combination of the available support and services best meets your needs. Here are some examples of ways you can structure your support, depending on the level of your HCP.

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