Additional Services fees are becoming common amongst some residential aged care providers (in 2019, 84% of providers in Australia already sold additional services). Find out everything you need to know about this residential aged care fee.
Additional Services fees are for services that go beyond the minimum care and service requirements. Many providers offer additional hotel-type services which attract a fee.
Some providers allow you to pick and choose the additional services you would like and pay for those only. Other providers may have a package of additional services they provide which is included in their fee schedule.
Additional Services fees are not set by the government and are specific to the provider.
How do I know if I will be charged for Additional Services?
All providers will notify you of any Additional Services fees prior to signing a residential aged care agreement. Providers will often provide an Additional Services fee schedule or outline their Additional Services package as part of their fee structure.
They will often include a mention of Additional Services on their website or include this information on My Aged Care. When looking for a provider on My Aged Care, Additional Services information is included under ‘Rooms & Costs’ against ‘Additional care and services available at additional cost’.
What about the other residential aged care fees?
Additional Services fees are included in addition to the other residential aged care fees.

If your chosen provider charges an Additional Services fee, you will pay this in addition to the basic daily care fee, accommodation payments and any means tested care fee.
For our explainer on residential aged care fees, click here.
If you have any questions on additional services fees or residential aged care fees, give us a call on 1300 223 968 or email your questions to [email protected]