Finding a residential aged care home can be an extensive process, often fraught with a lot of complex emotions. So when you find a few preferred options, it can be disheartening to hear there may not be a place available.
We’re here to say, don’t be too disheartened about waitlists. Here is what you need to know about being put on a waitlist in residential aged care.
Why do waitlists occur?
At any given time, different homes and providers have different availability. This availability can change depending on movement at the home.
If there is no availability at your preferred home, you may be offered a spot on a waitlist. Being put on a waitlist allows you to register your interest in the home and begin the application process so you are ready when a position becomes available.
We often say, you may be surprised how quickly waitlists can change, so don’t be afraid to ask how quickly waitlists have moved for your preferred home in the past.
Residential aged care homes often want to match the existing resident community with their new residents to ensure everyone has the best opportunity to thrive, so waitlists can often shift and change.
How long will I be on a waitlist?
The length of your wait will vary depending on the home. Due to a variety of factors, it can often be difficult for a provider to provide an accurate wait length. However, many providers may be able to provide some insight into the historical waitlist length and how quickly people have progressed on the waitlist in the past.
At Brightwater we often check in with the families on our waitlist to provide them updates on their place.
Can I be on multiple waitlists?
You can apply to be on multiple waitlists if you have a number of preferred options. Being put onto a waitlist does not exclude you for applying for other homes, even if they are with another provider.
Want more information on Brightwater’s waitlists?
If you would like more information on the current waitlists for Brightwater’s residential aged care homes, give us a call on 1300 223 968 or email welcome@brightwatergroup.com