Making the decision to move out of one's home and into a care facility can be a difficult and emotional process, especially for older adults who have lived in their homes for many years and built countless memories. However, it can also be a necessary step when living alone becomes unsafe or challenging.
As you make this transition, it's important to remember that you're not alone. There are many resources and options available to help you make the transition as smooth and comfortable as possible. Whether you're moving into an assisted living facility, or a nursing home, there are resources you can access to smooth the entry into your new home.
My Aged Care: is the Federal Government’s gateway to aged care. Whether you need an assessment, want to compare providers or more information on the aged care system, My Aged Care is a must visit.
Department of Health: The Department of Health provides information on aged care services, including information on different types of care, costs, and how to access care.
Aged Care Assistance Websites: websites like the Aged Care Online and Aged Care Guide can help you find residential aged care homes near you and allow you to compare providers.
Financial Information and Support: The Department of Human Services (DHS) and Services Australia can provide information and assistance related to financial matters, including assessing your eligibility for government subsidies and financial support.
Elder Rights and Advocacy Services: These organizations provide advocacy and support to older individuals who have concerns or issues related to aged care services. In Western Australia, families can reach out to Advocare for advocacy and support.
Family and Carer Support: The Carers Gateway provides support and resources for those caring for older family members entering residential aged care. Families in Western Australia can also reach out to Carers WA for support.
Ombudsman Services: The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission and the Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) offer avenues for lodging complaints or raising concerns about aged care services.
Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National): TIS National is a government-funded service that offers free telephone and on-site interpretation services for people who do not speak English. It is widely used in healthcare settings, including aged care facilities.
Brightwater also offer a range of resources on our platform, Your Aged Care.
It’s important to remember you are not alone through this process. If you would like to discuss the transition from home to residential aged care, give us a call on 1300 223 968 or email [email protected].