
Displaying all articles tagged "Carers"

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Balancing Act: Navigating in-home care for an independent parent

What does it look like when we support our parents or loved ones as they age at home? Discover how one family manages a fiercely independent ageing parent.

10 min read
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The Cartographers of Home Care - Brightwater's Social Work Team

Brightwater’s social workers play a crucial role in home care, offering personalized support to enhance clients' well-being and navigate the complexities of aged care. They provide invaluable services; from addressing discrimination to providing emotional and practical assistance. Discover their top tips and how to access their expert help.

6 min read
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Understanding the Journey: When a Loved One Passes Away in Residential Aged Care

Losing a loved one is a deeply personal and challenging experience, especially when it occurs within a residential aged care setting. Here is what happens after the Residential Aged Care journey.

8 min read
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Can Your Home Care Package Cover Respite Care at Home?

Explore the benefits of using home care packages for respite care at home. Learn how these packages provide necessary breaks for caregivers, ensuring their loved ones receive consistent, compassionate care. Find out how to easily access and manage respite services.

7 min read
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4 reasons to get your daily dose of sunshine

A little bit of sunshine each day might be just what you need to feel happier and healthier. It's important to expose yourself to a safe amount of sunshine – whether that’s from your backyard, balcony or front porch. Here are four big benefits of sunlight.

4 min read
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My parent needs assistance but doesn’t want residential aged care

You know it’s time. Your parent might even know it’s time. What do you do when your parent needs assistance but refuses to even consider residential aged care? We have answers.

9 min read
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Staying connected to what matters – home care services to support your life

Receiving home care services is an adjustment – especially in the beginning. What many people don’t realise is the benefits extend beyond the home, personal care, or social support they may receive. In fact, they could be the bridge to ensuring you can continue lifetime activities and maintain your independence. Here’s how.

9 min read
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How can I prepare for an ACAT assessment?

Do you know how to prepare for an ACAT assessment? Before you meet with an ACAT assessor, it’s worth spending time thinking about the changes you’ve experienced in the past six months.

6 min read
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Touring residential aged care homes

Choosing a residential aged care home is a big decision. So it makes sense that many families would like to take tours of the home before deciding which home is right for them. Here’s what you need to know about touring residential aged care homes.

4 min read
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Waiting lists in residential aged care

Finding a residential aged care home can be an extensive process, so when you find a few preferred options, it can be disheartening to hear there may not be a place available. We’re here to say, don’t be too disheartened about waitlists. Here is what you need to know about being put on a waitlist in residential aged care.

4 min read
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My parent(s) need 24/7 help, so we are considering residential aged care

Helping your parents move to residential aged care is a good way to test whether family roles and responsibilities are defined and well understood by everyone. Those who participated in in-home care might not be the same people who manage the transition to a residential facility. Find out things your family can do right now to smooth the transition for your parents.

8 min read
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Making the Transition: Resources for moving into a care facility

Making the decision to move out of one's home and into a care facility can be a difficult and emotional process. There are many resources and options available to help you make the transition as smooth and comfortable as possible.

4 min read
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Respite care is good for carers and their loved ones

Becoming the primary carer for someone you love can be both a privilege and a challenge. Home care can provide respite care, which provides a restorative break from daily responsibilities for carers.

13 min read
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The emotional journey into residential care

Supporting a loved one as they enter residential aged care can be daunting and raise emotions we didn't expect to feel. Meet our Engagement Team, who help people transition into their new homes.

7 min read
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How GPs can help seniors access government funded home care

With many seniors around Perth choosing to live in their home as long as possible, a common question asked by patients to their GP is “How can I get help at home?”

7 min read
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How to make difficult decisions in stressful situations

Decisions about aged care must often be made suddenly, after a serious health incident. Making decisions when that happens can be incredibly stressful.

8 min read
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Looking after your emotional wellbeing at a difficult time

The search for aged care can be emotionally taxing, whether it’s for yourself or a loved one. Here are tips on how to care for yourself during your search.

7 min read
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Free will service for your lasting legacy

Brightwater are excited to partner with Gathered Here, an online will service, to make legacy giving as easy as possible for our you. Allowing the Brightwater community to write a will for free.

4 min read
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Advance Health Directives, Enduring Power of Attorney, & Guardianships – what do these terms mean?

Find out about enduring power of attorney, enduring power of guardianship and advance health directives, to help with end of life planning.

10 min read
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Advance care planning – what is it and why is it so important?

Advance care planning ensures you remain in control of your life, even when you can no longer communicate your wishes. Find out how it helps end of life planning.

9 min read
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A few tips to make adjusting to life in residential aged care easier and better

When someone you love moves into residential aged care, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and uncertain about how it is all going to work out. Here is how you can help your loved one settle into aged care.

6 min read
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What do I do if I have a complaint?

We always strive to do our best and provide the quality services you want to receive. In the event you would like to make a complaint, we have a handy guide on how you can provide your feedback.

4 min read
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What is a good death?

Choosing how you live your final days is one of the last significant decisions you ever get to make. Do you know what a good death looks like?

9 min read
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The Revamped Carer Gateway

Have you heard about the new Carer Gateway? It's replacing the Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centre & aims to provide better support to carers in the country.

3 min read