Jamie’s motivation shines through

Posted on Friday, October 25, 2019

With a career in business, Jamie always felt like she wanted to do more. She had always been interested in working in healthcare industry but was unsure what role would be most suitable.   

“I became interested in working with older adults after my nanna was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 2014. I saw my grandparents struggling to navigate the healthcare system and knew that I wanted to help others who may be going through the same thing.”

After researching different courses, Jamie found Occupational therapy provided the most variety and ignited the passion to pursue this pathway. 

“I really enjoy working with older adults, I love talking with them and hearing about all the experiences they’ve had throughout their lives. I enjoy how much variety my role gives me and I am motivated to make a difference for others who may need support. Sometimes the simplest thing can make a difference in someone’s life and when this happens it’s so lovely to see their face light up.”

Jamie started working with Brightwater Redcliffe in August this year, and has loved the experience ever since.

“Since starting with Brightwater, everybody has been lovely and incredibly helpful. There are so many people here willing to offer their assistance and support, I have truly felt welcome. I am enjoying providing cover to a number of different sites; this has given me a lot of variety in my role and has meant that each day is so different.”

A career as an Occupational Therapist can be extremely rewarding, and with such a short career in the industry so far, Jamie has had some whirlwind experiences with clients…

“The most recent, which occurred only this week was providing a client with a set of adaptive cutlery, even though it is such a basic item, the client was so happy as they were able to cut up their meal without the assistance of care staff and they were able to eat with less pain than when they were using standard cutlery.

It’s also when you spend time talking with someone and getting to know them, for our clients social isolation and loneliness can have a huge impact on their lives. Taking the time to talk with them about their life, asking them questions about their experiences and being able to laugh with them is so rewarding.”

This Occupational Therapy week, we would like you to spread the word on the invaluable job of Occupational Therapists. As you can see from Jamie’s story, it is extremely rewarding to help individual’s achieve their goals and bring a smile to their faces. 
