At Brightwater, your feedback truly matters, and we're delighted to reveal the outstanding results from our recent customer satisfaction surveys. We reached out to over 1500 Brightwater at Home clients in May to hear what you, our clients thought about our service.
We’d like to thank the 666 clients who completed the survey.
We're very excited to announce the customer satisfaction among our Brightwater at Home clients has risen to an all-time high of 96%! Which represents a 5% increase compared to our previous results.
Once again, you recognised our dedicated team members in the feedback. Respondents said staff treated you with dignity and respect, communicated clearly and were friendly. Reinforcing what we already believed about our team – that their compassionate and empathetic approach is a key part of the Brightwater at Home service.
We use our client surveys as an important tool to also identify areas of our service which need some improvement. You’ve asked for more time with our Community Support Workers, a greater range of flexibility in service timings and greater communication when changes occur. We're actively committed to addressing these aspects as we continuously strive to meet your evolving needs.
Over the past 12 months, we’ve seen a huge amount of change at Brightwater at Home. We’ve adapted to the new Social and Community Home Care and Disability Services (SCHADS) award, introduced new services and expanded the Brightwater at Home team. We’ve appreciated your patience and understanding as we’ve navigated these changes and look forward to supporting you in the future.
We’re busy working on new technical enhancements which will streamline our processes and elevate your Brightwater at Home experience. We're confident these advancements will address some of the current challenges our clients face and enhance the overall experience for both clients and staff. We look forward to providing more information about the upgrades in the future.
A big thank you to all our Brightwater at Home clients: Without your support and valuable feedback, we wouldn’t be able to provide our services.
We always want to hear from our clients, so we've got an online form available for you to provide feedback quickly and easily.