Improving outcomes for missing vulnerable people
Safe & Found WA is a ground-breaking initiative from the Western Australia Police Force and Australia MedicAlert Foundation, aimed at increasing the likelihood of a successful search and rescue for anyone living with dementia, autism or a cognitive impairment who may be at risk of going missing.
WA Police are responsible for coordinating searches across the world’s largest single police jurisdiction, covering 2.5 million square kilometres. With the harsh terrain and extreme weather which can be present, it is crucial police have a comprehensive understanding of whom they are looking for in order to locate them as quickly as possible.
Safe & Found WA makes it easier to recognise someone who is lost or confused through their unique Safe & Found ID bracelet. This bracelet is engraved with an emergency contact’s number, the Police 131 444 number and a unique Safe & Found membership number that will connect Police with their vital information.
The initiative offers carers peace of mind their loved one’s vital details and history are immediately available to Police should they go missing. Available with a membership, Safe & Found ID may be covered by private health insurance or the NDIS for NDIS participants. People with a Seniors Cards enjoy a 20% discount on memberships and 10% discount on jewellery.
To celebrate Safe & Found expanding into WA, NT and QLD, new members who join online can use the promo code FOUND25 to join for $99 and receive a free Safe & Found bracelet (plus shipping and handling).
For more information on Safe and Found WA visit safeandfound.org.au