Discussing your will is not easy, but it is a precious conversation.
After all, a will contains your final legal instructions, revealed only after you are gone and when much sadness remains.
Crafting a will is something you dedicate much thought to – what legacy will you leave? What will your final impact be?
For many, it involves remembering children and other family members. For many it also means leaving a bequest, or monetary gift to honour and support a special cause.
If saying thanks by helping improve the quality of life of other Brightwater clients means a lot to you, then we understand why.
We are very grateful for your thoughtfulness should you decide to leave a gift in your will to us.
Whether large or small, every gift that Brightwater receives is greatly appreciated and valued. Your generosity will support initiatives that will help future generations for years to come.
Your valuable contribution will be directed toward our dedicated research centre for us to continue exploring and finding innovative and tangible ways how to improve people’s wellbeing.
Our research priorities include brain health, ageing well, brain injury rehabilitation, independence, dementia care, quality of life, Huntington’s Disease and palliative care.
Your support will help us continue our mission of pursuing the dignity and independence for some of the most vulnerable in our community.
If you are considering leaving a gift to us in your will, we would love to talk to you and discuss some of the options available. We can also discuss some of the areas of our work that may interest you.
We do appreciate that family and loved ones always come first. We believe it is an important step to talk to family and loved ones about your will. Your communication will ensure your final wishes are carried out. We also understand that circumstances change and respect your decision to alter your will at any time.
We recommend that you seek legal advice when creating or making changes to your will to ensure your wishes are clearly and legally expressed. There are several ways you can support Brightwater in your will:
The residue of your estate is what remains of the estate once all your loved ones and charges have been paid.
A residuary gift could be a percentage or the whole of the residue of your estate.
This is when you leave an exact sum of money to us.
It may be of interest to note that the value of this will decrease over time with inflation.
You may wish to leave us a particular item (known as a specific bequest), which can be sold to support our work.
It could be property or an item of value such as real estate, art or a piece of jewellery.
We recommend that you seek legal advice when creating or making changes to your will to ensure your wishes are clearly and legally stated. We have prepared some suggested wording for your will that you can share with your solicitor when they prepare your documents. Simply ask them to insert the appropriate clause selected form the wording below.
I give to Brightwater Care Group Limited ABN: 23 445 460 050 the sum of ………. dollars ($..... ) free from all duties or other taxes, whether State or Federal, to the applied towards or used for the benefit of Brightwater Care Group.
I give to Brightwater Care Group Limited ABN: 23 445 460 050 (insert percentage amount) percent of my estate to be applied towards or used for the benefit of Brightwater Care Group.
I give to Brightwater Care Group Limited ABN: 23 445 460 050 the balance and residue of my estate to be applied towards or used for the benefit of Brightwater Care Group.
Legal Name of Entity
Brightwater Care Group Limited
ABN 23 445 460 050
Address: 2A Walter Road West
Inglewood, WA 6052, Australia
Having an accurate or up-to-date will is one of the most important things we can do for our loved ones, yet as many as 70% of adults don’t have one. We recognise that writing your will can be a daunting and expensive exercise. To help make the process as easy as possible, we’ve identified a number of trusted online will providers, to offer free, discounted and simple online wills to our community.
A will gives you the opportunity to appoint guardians for your children or pets, ensures your assets go where you want them to, and lets you share your final wishes with loved ones. If you don’t yet have a will, now is the perfect time to take it off your to-do list. It only takes 10 minutes to complete, and you'll receive free and unlimited updates for life.
Although there is no obligation whatsoever to include a charitable gift in your will, if you are passionate about making a difference, please consider including a gift in your will to us.
With the rise in popularity of online will writing, Brightwater has identified two of Australia’s leading online will writing platforms, Gathered Here and Safewill to offer our community either free or discounted online wills. These online will writing platforms enable you to write a simple will quickly and affordably from the comfort of your home.
Gathered HereGathered Here offers our community a free legally binding Will with unlimited updates for life - a service that typically costs hundreds of dollars. This can be done from home and is easy to complete. Start writing your online will for free with Gathered Here |
SafewillSafewill offers our community the opportunity to create a personalised Will online (typically $160), now free during “Free Wills Fortnight”. Create it in your own time, and every Will is reviewed by their affiliate law firm Safewill Legal. Start writing your online will for $80 (normally $160) with Safewill |
We’re very grateful for the gifts our generous supporters leave in their Will to us. If you are acting on behalf of someone who has passed away and has left a gift in their will, please notify us by calling 1300 223 968.
In addition to contacting us, we require further details before administering the legacy;
Please call before making a payment so we can ensure the details you have are correct.
When you let us know that you have included Brightwater in your will, we would like to honour your kindness.
You will become a member of Brightwater’s Leaves of Life Circle and receive a special plaque in the shape of a leaf. We will engrave your family name on the plaque and place it on our special memorial wall, a place of remembrance, celebration and reflection, forever honoured.
You will also receive invitations to special functions and tours, where we can keep you updated on our latest news. If you have already included a gift in my will to Brightwater and would like to join the Leaves of Life Circle please contact us.
*Neither Brightwater Care Group Ltd nor any person or entity associated with it (collectively “We” or “Our” as the context requires) receives any payment, commission or fee from your use of the services provided by this website (”Services”). We do not have any formal agreement but do receive (for no payment to the website) analytic information regarding traffic to this site, amongst other data. Our referral of the Service to you does not constitute advice, either legal or financial. We encourage you to consider the Services offered by this website carefully. We accept no liability or responsibility for your use of the Service.