Collaborate with us.

Getting involved with the Brightwater Research Centre means you can make a difference to the lives of people who are ageing, living with dementia, Huntington’s Disease, or have an acquired neurological disability.

The Brightwater Research Centre is responsible for approving, coordinating and monitoring all research activities with Brightwater, and approval is formalised through the Brightwater Research Steering Committee.

Email us now to find out more about conducting research with Brightwater

If you are interested in collaborating on a research study, please submit your research enquiry using the link below.

Research enquiries are reviewed on the second Thursday of every month.  New research enquiries must be submitted using the online form and received one week prior.

A member of the research team will be in contact within one week of the scheduled meeting date to inform you of the research enquiry outcome.

Thank you for your interest in research with Brightwater and our commitment to improving the lives of our clients.

Submit your Brightwater research enquiry

Frequently asked questions

  • Can I volunteer with the Brightwater Research Centre?


    Volunteers help our research centre with data collection, data analysis, literature reviews and more.

    Please visit our Research Volunteers page for more information.

  • What sort of research do you conduct?

    All of our research is focused on improving the quality of life of our residents and clients, therefore most of our research is practical and applied in a care/community setting.

    Our priorities are brain health, brain injury rehabilitation, independence, ageing well, dementia care, quality of life, Huntington’s disease and nutrition.

    For more information, see our Current Research page.

  • What are the steps involved in gaining approval to conduct research at Brightwater?

    Step 1

    Complete the Brightwater Research Enquiry

    Step 2

    If your research enquiry is considered feasible for Brightwater, you will be invited to complete the Brightwater Research Application form.
    Note: Research applications go to the Brightwater Research Centre or Steering Committee for approval

    Step 3

    Once your research application is approved, complete all required legal and administrative documentation.

    Step 4

    Commence your research study!


  • Can I donate to the Brightwater Research Centre?

    Donations can be used to fund research studies at Brightwater.

    Click here to learn more about donations.

  • Can I partner with Brightwater for my research project?

    Please submit the Brightwater Research Enquiry and we will be in touch.