Our key partners

The Brightwater Research Centre actively seeks opportunities to work with universities, consumer groups and other service providers to conduct research related to our core motivation - improving the wellbeing of our residents and clients.

Valuable partnerships enable us to build capacity in our staff, support research students and work together to translate rigorous research into practice.

Make a research enquiry now

Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre (CDPC)

Brightwater is one of four industry partners working with the National Health and Medical Research Centre (NHMRC) in the Partnership Centre focusing on cognitive and related functional decline in older people.

This Partnership Centre initiative unites Brightwater with industry partners Dementia Australia, HammondCare (NSW) and Helping Hand (SA) to improve the lives of people with dementia by developing, communicating and implementing research.

It brings together consumers, industry partners, researchers and clinicians to develop relevant research questions and ensure findings are applicable to the current care environment for people with dementia.

Research Partners & Collaborators

Brightwater has established many valuable partnerships and collaborations with consumers, public and private industry partners, researchers and clinicians. These have included:

Alliance for Research in Exercise, Nutrition and Activity (SA)

Curtin University Occupational Therapy (WA)

Curtin University Physiotherapy (WA)

Curtin University Speech Pathology (WA)

Ear Science Institute Australia (WA)

Edith Cowan University (ECU) (WA)

ECU Exercise and Sports Science (WA)

HammondCare (NSW)

Helping Hand (SA)

Insurance Commission of Western Australia (ICWA)

Kings College London (UK)

Lions Eye Institute (WA)

Monash University Pharmacy (Vic)

National Health and Medical Research Council (AU)

Northwick Park Hospital (UK)

Oxford University (UK)

Sexual Health Quarters (WA)

South Australian Government - SA Health (SA)

University of Manchester (UK)

University of Melbourne, Pharmacy (Vic)

University of NSW (NSW)

University of South Australia, School of Health Sciences (SA)

University of Sydney (NSW)

University of Technology Sydney (NSW)

University of Western Australia (UWA)

University of York (UK)

UWA Audiology (WA)

UWA Law (WA)

UWA Medicine (WA)

UWA Population and Global Health (WA)

UWA Psychological Science (WA)

UWA Psychology (WA)

UWA Rural Clinical School (WA)

UWA Social Science (WA)

WA Department Of Health, Linkage Branch (WA)

West Australian Health Translation Network (WA)

Western Australian Centre for Health & Ageing (WA)


Frequently asked questions

  • Can I volunteer with the Brightwater Research Centre?


    Volunteers help our research centre with data collection, data analysis, literature reviews and more.

    Please visit our Research Volunteers page for more information.

  • What sort of research do you conduct?

    All of our research is focused on improving the quality of life of our residents and clients, therefore most of our research is practical and applied in a care/community setting.

    Our priorities are brain health, brain injury rehabilitation, independence, ageing well, dementia care, quality of life, Huntington’s disease and nutrition.

    For more information, see our Current Research page.

  • What are the steps involved in gaining approval to conduct research at Brightwater?

    Step 1

    Complete the Brightwater Research Enquiry

    Step 2

    If your research enquiry is considered feasible for Brightwater, you will be invited to complete the Brightwater Research Application form.
    Note: Research applications go to the Brightwater Research Centre or Steering Committee for approval

    Step 3

    Once your research application is approved, complete all required legal and administrative documentation.

    Step 4

    Commence your research study!


  • Can I donate to the Brightwater Research Centre?

    Donations can be used to fund research studies at Brightwater.

    Click here to learn more about donations.

  • Can I partner with Brightwater for my research project?

    Please submit the Brightwater Research Enquiry and we will be in touch.