Current research

Area Study Role Collaborators
Aged care Knowledge brokers for evidence translation to improve quality use of medicines in residential aged care (EMBRACE) Partner and Chief Investigator Monash University (Centre for Medicine Use & Safety), University of Queensland, University of Sydney, Flinders University
Aged care OPERATE: Older Persons Early Recognition Access and Treatment in Emergencies Associate Investigator Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Fiona Stanely Hospital, Royal Perth Hospital, St John Ambulance WA, University of Western Australia , Curtin University, Edith Cowan University
Aged care Outcomes in aged care: Evaluation of the Brightwater Outcomes Measurement Framework - Aged Care and measuring its impact Lead Internal
Aged care Reducing COVID-19 related risk in Residential Aged Care Facilities: A WA sector-wide approach for the culturally and linguistically diverse workforce; and residents with cognitive impairment Lead Bethanie, BaptistCare, Amana Living, Juniper, University of Western Australia
Aged care SENSEcog aged care: Hearing and vision support to improve quality of life for people living with dementia in residential aged care Partner and Chief Investigator University of Queensland, Oxford University, University of Sydney, University of Western Australia, Trinity College, Federation University, LaTrobe University, Murdoch University, Macquarie University
Aged care Telehealth medication simplification: A Nurse Practitioner and pharmacist led intervention in residential aged care Lead Monash University (Centre for Medicine Use and Safety)
Aged Care The Enhanced Advance care planning and life Review Longitudinal Intervention (EARLI) Partner and Associate Investigator University of NSW, University of Sydney, University of Queensland, University of Western Australia, University of Wollongong
Brain Injury and Aged care Web-based support for youth impacted by a parent with an Acquired Brain Injury or Early Onset Dementia Lead University of Western Australia (School of Psychological Science)
Brain Injury

Development and evaluation of a novel, sector-driven, online intervention to improve psychosocial adjustment to traumatic brain injury and enable continuity of care from acute to chronic injury

Lead University of Western Australia, State Head Injury Unit
Brain Injury Measuring client outcomes and service impact of the brain injury rehabilitation services
Stage 3: Service model evaluation
Stage 4: Measuring client outcomes and service impact
Lead Internal
Brain Injury

Measuring the complexity and outcomes of brain injury rehabilitation and support services at Brightwater: The Acquired Brain Injury Community REhabilitation and Support Services OuTcomes CohoRT (ABI-RESTaRT) Study: Study 6

Lead Internal
Clinical Data Optimising clinical documentation and data systems (OPTIMISE) Lead Internal

Improving independence and quality of life, and reducing the cost of care, for catastrophically injured clients through enhanced assessment of continence needs and delivery of services

Lead Insurance Commission of Western Australia
Mental Health

Mental health services for adults with acquired brain injury undergoing post-acute neurorehabilitation

Lead University of Western Australia
Traumatic Brain Injury An informatics approach to predict outcomes and monitor intervention efficacy following moderate to severe traumatic brain injury Partner and Associate Investigator Curtin University, Monash University, University of Queensland, University of Sydney, Flinders University, University of Cambridge, Griffith University

Current student research

Area Study Role Collaborators
Brain injury PhD: Investigation of community participation outcomes for adults with acquired brain injury after discharge from post-acute rehabilitation: A mixed-methods study PhD Supervisor Curtin University (School of Allied Health)
Brain injury PhD: Augmenting communication among persons with aphasia: Can gesture lend a hand? Partner The University of Western Australia (School of Psychological Science)
Brain injury PhD: The relationship between thinking skills and daily functioning in adults with brain injuries Partner The University of Western Australia (School of Psychological Science)
Brain injury PhD: An investigation of apathy as a predictor of functional outcomes in individuals with acquired brain injury Partner The University of Western Australia (School of Psychological Science)
Brain injury PhD: Prospective memory as a neuropsychological predictor of outcome in adults with acquired brain injury Partner The University of Western Australia (School of Psychological Science)
Brain injury

PhD: Improving emotion regulation: A pilot study of a group intervention

Partner The University of Western Australia (School of Psychological Science)

Completed research


Area Study Role Collaborators
 Aged Care Outcome measures in aged care: Development of the Brightwater Aged Care Outcomes Measurement Framework Lead Internal
 Aged Care Quantifying contact networks for COVID-19 outbreak preparedness Chief Investigator Curtin University, Telethon Kids Institute, University of Melbourne, University of Western Australia
 Aged Care Sentinel surveillance DETECT study: Validation of regular saliva-based COVID screening of critical workers using automated RT-LAMP surveillance Co-lead and Chief Investigator Curtin University, Avicena
Brain Injury and Aged care Interventions to support children and youth impacted by a family member with an acquired brain injury or younger onset dementia Lead University of Western Australia (School of Psychological Science)
Brain Injury

Complexity of ABI study –

Stage 2: Evaluation of ABI client functional and psychosocial outcomes (ABI-RESTaRT) (1991-2020)
Lead Internal
Huntington’s Disease Nutrition and Huntington’s Disease: Comparison between specialised and non- specialised facilities Lead Internal
Oral Health

Patterns and predictors of dental hospitalisations in patients with acquired brain injury from pre-injury to acute and post-acute injury: a cohort study in Western Australia, 1991-2016

Lead Internal

Brightwater Research Centre Annual Report 2021 - 2022


Area Study Role Collaborators
 Aged Care Comparison of nutrition in off-site and on-site cooking in disability and residential aged care facilities Lead University of Western Australia (School of Psychological Science), Oxford University (Oxford Centre for Emotions & Affective Neuroscience)
 Aged Care Feasibility trial of point-of-care testing for the routine screening, monitoring and management of COVID-19 and Influenza in aged care Lead Drajon
 Aged Care GoSign — An innovative model to reduce social isolation for residents with hearing loss Partner Adult Better Hearing WA Services, Edith Cowan University
 Aged Care Nutritional composition of menus in residential aged care facilities Lead Internal
Aged Care Palliative Care service model for aged and disability services Lead Internal
Aged Care and Disability Prevalence of wight loss and malnutrition in residential aged care and disability Lead Internal
Brain Injury Measuring the complexity and outcomes of brain injury rehabilitation and support services at Brightwater (‘Complexity of ABI’ study) Lead Internal
Brain Injury Quality of life and functional independence in individuals undergoing community-based rehabilitation post acquired brain injury  Lead University of Western Australia
Huntington’s Disease Nutrition and Huntington’s Disease: Comparison between specialised and non- specialised facilities Lead Internal

Brightwater Research Centre Annual Report 2020 - 2021


Study Collaborators Years
The cognitive basis of resilience in older adults living in the community
University of Western Australia (School of Psychological Science), Oxford University (Oxford Centre for Emotions & Affective Neuroscience) 2020
The BAN-Dep Trial: A trial to decrease the prevalence of depression in older Australians University of Western Australia (Medical School), University of Melbourne (Psychiatry), University of York (Psychiatry), Melbourne Health (Aged Care) 2020
Evaluation of the Brightwater residential aged care facility refurbishment
Internal 2020
Assessment of food and mealtime satisfaction in residential aged care; a trigger for change Internal 2019-2020
Food additives and severe dementia in the elderly: Effect on agitation Internal 2019-2020
Measures of nutrition across Brightwater residential aged care Internal 2019-2020
Prevalence, impact and management of cognitive sensory impairment in people living in supported residential care settings in Australia, UK & South Africa University of Manchester, Ear Science Institute Australia, Lions Eye Institute 2019-2020
Prevalence, patterns, and predictors of multimorbidity in adults with acquired brain injury at admission to staged community-based rehabilitation Internal 2019-2020
Quality of life after an acquired brain injury: A retrospective analysis of Brightwater clients undergoing graduated slow-stream rehabilitation University of Western Australia (Medicine School) 2017-2020
The role of the Nurse Practitioner in managing medication complexity Internal 2019-2020
PhD: A multidimensional investigation of metacognition and its association with outcomes in individuals with acquired brain injury University of Western Australia (School of Psychological Science) 2018-2020
PhD: Neuropsychological predictors of outcome following acquired brain injury in adults University of Western Australia (School of Psychological Science) 2016-2020


Study Collaborators Years
A discourse intervention for people with traumatic brain injury Curtin University (School of Occupational Therapy, Social Work and Speech Pathology) 2018-2019
Advance care planning for persons with dementia through supported decision making University of Western Australia (School of Primary, Aboriginal and rural health; School of Psychology; Rural Clinical School), University of Sydney University of Technology Sydney, SA Health 2016-2019
Brightwater approach to Palliative Care: An evidence based, organisation wide service model Internal 2018-2019
Clinical communication and handover in Residential Aged Care Edith Cowan University (School of Medical and Health Sciences) 2019
Continence and brain injury: Improving independence and quality of life, and reducing cost of care Insurance Commission of Western Australia 2018-2019
Executive functions and discourse performance in people with cognitive-communication deficits Curtin University (School of Occupational Therapy, Social Work and Speech Pathology) 2019
GRASP Program - Evaluation of occupational based upper limb rehabilitation with Brightwater clients Curtin University (School of Occupational Therapy, Social Work and Speech Pathology) 2018-2019
Identification and recommendations of educational resources for families of persons with acquired brain injury Curtin University (School of Occupational Therapy, Social Work and Speech Pathology) 2018-2019
Improving cognitive and functional capacity older people through an exercise prescription approach University of South Australia (School of Health Sciences), Edith Cowan University, Helping Hand (SA) 2017-2019
Knowledge attitudes and practices of healthcare professionals in the management of sensory impairment with concurrent dementia University of Western Australia (School of Medicine) 2019
Music-based GAIT training in an acquired brain injury population University of Western Australia (School of Human Sciences) 2019
Occupational therapists’ perceptions of risk in aged care Edith Cowan University (School of Medical and Health Sciences) 2019
Randomised trial to improve the quality of life of people with dementia (RAPID trial) University of Western Australia (Western Australia Centre for Health & Ageing) 2017-2019
Residential aged care workers’ perspectives on the dignity of risk Edith Cowan University (School of Medical and Health Sciences)  
The influence of type of stroke on rehabilitation outcomes in a community setting: Considerations for rehabilitation planning Internal 2019
The relationship between thinking skills & daily functioning in adults with brain injuries University of Western Australia (School of Psychological Science) 2014-2019
Time between injury and community rehabilitation following acquired brain injury: Impact on functional outcomes and independence Kings College London (Regional Hyperacute Rehabilitation Unit, Northwick Park Hospital) 2019
Transforming risk: Understanding positive risk for people with a disability or acquired brain injury Curtin University (School of Occupational Therapy, Social Work and Speech Pathology) 2018-2019
Wound management clinical trial for clients receiving care under Home Care Packages Internal 2019
Translating evidence-based outcomes measures into practice at Brightwater Disability services Internal 2018-2019
Understanding comorbidities of people with an acquired brain injury to inform treatment decisions Internal 2018-2019
Using assistive technologies to improve independence and reduce cost of care for residents (and people) with a traumatic brain injury undergoing community rehabilitation Insurance Commission of Western Australia 2018-2019
Yarning together: Developing a culturally secure rehabilitation approach for Aboriginal Australians after brain injury Edith Cowan University (School of Medical and Health Sciences) 2018-2019


Study Collaborators Years
Can using assistive technology for continence difficulties have a positive impact on psychosocial wellbeing in the traumatic brain injury population? Curtin University (School of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science) 2018
Identifying barriers and priority areas for building workforce capacity in pharmacoepidemiology research University of Western Australia (School of Population and Global Health), University of New South Wales (Centre for Big Data Research in Health) 2017-2018
Investigating the perspectives of older adults in residential aged care on issues related to oral health-related quality of life Edith Cowan University (School of Medical and Health Sciences) 2018
The impact of a tailored dance program on physical activity, sedentary behaviour, physical function, attitudes and perceived benefits for older adults living in residential aged care facilities Curtin University (School of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science) 2018
Professional views and experiences in facilitating decision making among people with dementia University of Western Australia (School of Primary, Aboriginal and rural health; School of Psychology; Office of research enterprise), University of Sydney (Faculty of Law), HammondCare (NSW), Helping Hand (SA) 2016-2018
Understanding community views on supported decision making University of Western Australia (School of Primary, Aboriginal and rural health; School of Psychology; Office of research enterprise, Law School, Rural Clinical School), University of Sydney (Faculty of Law), University of Western Sydney, University of Technology Sydney, HammondCare (NSW), Helping Hand (SA) 2016-2018


Study Collaborators Years
An interprofessional education toolkit for staff in residential aged care University of Western Australia (School of Population Health; School of Medicine; Office of Research Enterprise) 2016-2017
Increasing productivity opportunities for people with acquired brain injury: Evaluating the impact of the Giving Back Program Curtin University (School of Occupational Therapy, Social Work and Speech Pathology) 2016-2017
Investigating the impact of ‘Nil by Mouth’ recommendations on prevalence of cerumen impaction and hearing acuity in elderly adults University of Western Australia (Medical School) 2017
Matching expectations to experiences of family members of people with acquired brain injury after the first year of rehabilitation Curtin University (School of Occupational Therapy, Social Work and Speech Pathology) 2016-2017
Oral hygiene in residential aged care facilities: Perspectives of carers and stakeholders University of Western Australia (School of Medicine) 2017
Self-efficacy to complete personal self-care activities of daily living among women with acquired brain injury: Evaluating the outcomes of the Pride and Vanity project Curtin University (School of Occupational Therapy, Social Work and Speech Pathology) 2016-2017
Understanding the impact of socialisation robots on the social engagement of older adults with cognitive decline University of Western Australia (School of Surgery); Surgical Realities Ltd; Alzheimers WA 2016-2017


Study Collaborators Years
Evaluating the outcomes for Interprofessional Education programs in residential aged care University of Western Australia (School of Population Health; School of Medicine; Office of Research Enterprise) 2013-2016
Overview of Brightwater’s resident participants from the INSPIRED Study: demographics, clinical determinants, quality of life and consumer preferences Flinders University (Discipline of Rehabilitation, Aged and Extended Care), Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre, National Health and Medical Research Council 2014-2016

Frequently asked questions

  • Can I volunteer with the Brightwater Research Centre?


    Volunteers help our research centre with data collection, data analysis, literature reviews and more.

    Please visit our Research Volunteers page for more information.

  • What sort of research do you conduct?

    All of our research is focused on improving the quality of life of our residents and clients, therefore most of our research is practical and applied in a care/community setting.

    Our priorities are brain health, brain injury rehabilitation, independence, ageing well, dementia care, quality of life, Huntington’s disease and nutrition.

    For more information, see our Current Research page.

  • What are the steps involved in gaining approval to conduct research at Brightwater?

    Step 1

    Complete the Brightwater Research Enquiry

    Step 2

    If your research enquiry is considered feasible for Brightwater, you will be invited to complete the Brightwater Research Application form.
    Note: Research applications go to the Brightwater Research Centre or Steering Committee for approval

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    Once your research application is approved, complete all required legal and administrative documentation.

    Step 4

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    Donations can be used to fund research studies at Brightwater.

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    Please submit the Brightwater Research Enquiry and we will be in touch.