Each part of your brain has a specific function. This picture shows the main functions of each brain area. An injury can happen to any part of your brain. You may have injured a specific part of your brain (this is called a focal injury) or multiple parts of your brain (this is called a diffuse injury) (1).
When one part of the brain is injured, it makes it difficult for other parts to work. Your brain is like an orchestra. It has many small sections and all of them need to do their own work, and also work with other sections, to make music. If one section – for example, the strings – are not playing very well, then the overall music will not sound as nice.
This is what happens to your brain when you have a TBI. The area(s) of your brain that are injured do not work as usual and this in turn affects your overall brain function.
TBI is a heterogeneous (varied) condition (2) that can cause physical, cognitive, behavioural, and psychological difficulties. This means that no two TBIs are exactly the same. Each person has a different journey with their TBI, depending on which area(s) of the brain are injured and the severity of their injury. You may find it difficult to do some tasks that you used to do by yourself before.
Here are some examples of the difficulties you may experience:
Waking up to find changes with your body can be strange or even scary. At first, many people with a TBI view their bodies as unfamiliar or not their own (3). Some people have even described their bodies as frightening or an enemy – something that fights against them or that could betray them at any time (4).
It can feel very scary not to be in control of your body.
It is still very early days since your injury. Your doctors and healthcare team will work with you to help you to understand which difficulties you have after your injury. After your condition has stabilised, you will also start some brief rehabilitation to work on recovering your functions.
There will be more on this in Module 3: What to expect in the early days of recovery.
In Australia, an individual is considered to be a person with disability if they have any medical condition which causes limitations or impairments which restrict their everyday activities and is likely to last for 6 months or longer (5).
These limitations may be physical, cognitive, behavioural or psychological.
While TBI is a leading cause of disability around the world (6, 7), not everyone with a TBI is considered a person with disability. This depends on the severity of the brain injury, how much and which areas of the brain were injured, and what the resulting limitations or impairments are. For some people, it can be upsetting to be labelled as a person with disability.
This may be due to grief and loss of your pre-injury identity, or struggles with accepting your new life. This may also be due to disability stigma in society.
Disability stigma is when someone has negative beliefs about people with disabilities. This may lead to social exclusion or discrimination. Stigma often lies at the root of discrimination and exclusion experienced by people with disability and can impact community integration following brain injury (8).
Stigmatising attitudes may need to be challenged by yourself and those around you to improve your relationship with your disability.
A person’s disability status can change over time. There are many factors that can decrease or increase your level of disability. Some examples are:
To understand your TBI and how it will impact you, you can ask your doctors: