Ageing Well

Multigenerational Family Ageing Well Banner

Enhancing quality of life for our clients and the broader community

Our focus on ageing well is helping shape a future of vitality and independence for older Australians. Through innovative research, we explore the key factors that support healthy ageing, aiming to enhance quality of life for our clients and the broader community. By turning insights into practical solutions, we empower individuals to live fulfilling lives at every stage of their journey. Discover how our research into ageing well is driving real-world change for a brighter tomorrow.

Current & Completed Research

Current Research

Area Study Role Collaborators
Aged Care Knowledge brokers for evidence translation to improve quality use of medicines in residential aged care (EMBRACE) Partner & Chief Investigator Monash University (Centre for Medicine Use & Safety), University of Queensland, University of Sydney, Flinders University
Aged Care OPERATE: Older Persons Early Recognition Access and Treatment in Emergencies Associate Investigator Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Fiona Stanely Hospital, Royal Perth Hospital, St John Ambulance WA, University of Western Australia, Curtin University, Edith Cowan University
Aged Care Outcomes in aged care: Evaluation of the Brightwater Outcomes Measurement Framework - Aged Care and measuring its impact. Lead Internal
Aged Care Reducing COVID-19 related risk in Residential Aged Care Facilities: A WA sector-wide approach for the culturally and linguistically diverse workforce; and residents with cognitive impairment Lead Bethanie, BaptistCare, Amana Living, Juniper, University of Western Australia
Aged Care SENSEcog aged care: Hearing and vision support to improve quality of life for people living with dementia in residential aged care Partner and Chief Investigator University of Queensland, Oxford University, University of Sydney, University of Western Australia, Trinity College, Federation University, LaTrobe University, Murdoch University, Macquarie University
Aged Care Telehealth medication simplification: A Nurse Practitioner and pharmacist led intervention in residential aged care Lead Monash University (Centre for Medicine Use and Safety)
Aged Care The Enhanced Advance care planning and life Review Longitudinal Intervention (EARLI) Partner and Associate Investigator University of NSW, University of Sydney, University of Queensland, University of Western Australia, University of Wollongong

Completed Research

Year Study Role Collaborators
2022 Outcome measures in aged care: Development of the Brightwater Aged Care Outcomes Measurement Framework Lead Internal
2022 Quantifying contact networks for COVID-19 outbreak preparedness Chief Investigator Curtin University, Telethon Kids Institute, University of Melbourne, University of Western Australia
2022 Sentinel surveillance DETECT study: Validation of regular saliva-based COVID screening of critical workers using automated RT-LAMP surveillance Co-lead and Chief Investigator Curtin University, Avicena
2021 Comparison of nutrition in off-site and on-site cooking in disability and residential aged care facilities Lead Internal
2021 Feasibility trial of point-of-care testing for the routine screening, monitoring and management of COVID-19 and Influenza in aged care Lead Drajon
2021 GoSign — An innovative model to reduce social isolation for residents with hearing loss Partner Adult Better Hearing WA Services, Edith Cowan University
2021 Nutritional composition of menus in residential aged care facilities Lead Internal
2021 Palliative Care service model for aged and disability services Lead Internal
2021 Prevalence of wight loss and malnutrition in residential aged care and disability Lead Internal