For health professionals

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It is important to know the type of evidence that can assist with an access request to the NDIS.

It is also important to know what questions you need to ask.

From 1 October 2019, the Commonwealth and State and Territory governments have agreed that the NDIS will fund a range of disability-related health supports where they are part of the participant’s daily life and result directly from the participant’s disability.

Further information about what will (and will not) be funded by NDIS can be found here.

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) and State and Territory health departments will work together to implement the collaboration of funded disability-related health supports by the NDIS and health systems.

The health system will continue to be responsible for the diagnosis and clinical treatment of health conditions, ongoing and chronic health conditions not related to a participant’s disability, time limited (non-ongoing) and palliative conditions and acute/post-acute care (e.g. hospital and Hospital in the Home).

More information for providers regarding pricing and disability-related health supports can be found here, while a general overview of information for those in the health sector can be found here


  • Does this person have a diagnosis?
  • Does this person have a regular GP?
  • Do they often need to go to hospital?
  • Is there ongoing treatment?
  • Is there involvement with specialists?
  • Does this person need help to manage their health, medications, appointments?
  • Has an NDIS Access Request form been lodged?
  • Does this person need support to manage as a result of their diagnosis or disability?

What you can provide to help the application process:

Mental Health

  • Does this person have a mental health diagnosis?
  • Is there any substance abuse (history or current)?
  • Do they receive treatment for mental health?
  • Is a capacity assessment needed?
  • Does this diagnosis impact on their ability to function in daily life?
  • Has an NDIS Access Request form been lodged?
  • Does this person need help to collect copies of information about their diagnosis?
  • Is this person involved with other agencies?

What you can provide to help the application process:


  • Does this person have a disability/diagnosis?
  • Do they have any upcoming court hearings?
  • Are they about to be released from prison?
  • Is a capacity assessment needed?
  • Has an NDIS Access Request form been lodged?
  • Are they linked in with community supports?
  • Is there involvement with other service systems?

What you can provide to help the application process:

  • Behaviour management plans
  • Release orders


  • Does this person have a place to live?
  • Do they need support to find or keep a place to live?
  • Does this person have capacity? Is an assessment needed?
  • Does this person have a history of itinerancy?
  • Does this person need home modifications or accessible housing?
  • Is this person at risk where they live?
  • Is this person on the WA Housing Authority waitlist?
  • Has an NDIS Access Request form been lodged?

What you can provide to help the application process:

  • Tenancy agreements
  • Equipment needs
  • Tenancy history
  • Challenges

If you are unhappy with the decision the NDIS has made about your eligibility, you can request that this decision be reviewed. You can find out more here.

Funded by the Department of Communities Disability Services.