Introduced in 2018, the new clinical governance framework has streamlined our systems and processes to help clients and their families make choices about what they need, and to help us to deliver safe, effective and personalised care.
The framework is made up of five domains: Leadership and Culture, Consumer Participation, Workforce, Risk Management, and Clinical Practice. At the centre of the framework is safe, effective personalised care, this being the goal for all clients. The five domains work together to ensure we monitor, evaluate and improve all aspects of the personalised care we provide.
Our leaders foster a culture based on trust, fairness, respect, shared values and beliefs. This is reflected in the training we provide our workforce.
We work closely with clients to empower them to participate to the extent they desire, be assisted to have real choice and control, and to make decisions that shape their lifestyle and the care they receive. We do this by working with clients and their families, to understand what’s important to them, their hopes and dreams (what matters to them most), their strengths and abilities, and what’s important for them to be healthy, safe and well.
We welcome and support clients and their families to provide feedback on their experiences of care so that it can be used to improve care and the consumer experience.
We have systems in place that support client’s rights to take risk whilst providing safeguards to minimise any hazards in our care delivery processes.
Through ongoing evaluation of care outcomes, we focus on achieving a personalised approach and high quality services which are based on best practice.
Visible, accountable and purposeful leadership that fosters a culture based on trust, fairness, respect and shared values and beliefs
Actively working together with clients and their communities to understand and achieve their goals
The workforce has appropriate knowledge, skills and leadership to achieve optimal clinical and quality care
Effective and flexible systems and organisational culture that manages the balance between dignity of risk and duty of care
Evidence-based, safe and effective clinical services demonstrated through ongoing evaluation of care outcomes