Consumer Advisory Body

Consumer Advisory Body Header Banner

Driving change for anyone using Brightwater's services

Are you passionate about shaping your Brightwater services and home? Your voice matters, and we would like to invite you to join our Consumer Advisory Body. Together, we can make a real impact on your care and services.

Our Consumer Advisory Body advocates on behalf of the Brightwater community to enhance the wellbeing, participation and experience of our clients and residents.

The Consumer Advisory Body aims to:

Cab 1


Represent and advocate for the Brightwater community.

Cab 2


Provide advice to the Brightwater Board and Brightwater Care Committee on where community views could benefit operations, planning and policy development.

Cab 3


Engage with the community to understand their needs. Including the residents, clients, their families and carers who use Brightwater.

Cab 4


Provide insight into the experience of residents, carers and their families, and advise on the community's expectations of Brightwater.

How the Body works

The Consumer Advisory Body provides important feedback to the Brightwater Board and Care Committee. 

The Brightwater Board is responsible for governance and major directional policies. The Brightwater Care Committee is a Board Committee tasked with overseeing the clinical governance and care services function of Brightwater. 

We have more information on our governance structure here

The Consumer Advisory Body is composed of Brightwater community members. Community members are residents, clients, carers, families and community members with an interest in Brightwater. We seek to include clients and residents from all of our service areas including residential aged care, home care, disability and retirement. 

We encourage a diverse range of backgrounds to become Body members and welcome all people including those living with Dementia, Huntington's Disease, First Nations people, people from culturally and linguistically diverse background, as well as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans/transgender, intersex, queer and other sexuality, gender, and bodily diverse people.

Want to get involved?

If you would like to join Brightwater's Consumer Advisory Body, please read the Information Sheet and complete the form below. 

This question is not mandatory. We would like to encourage diversity amongst the Consumer Advisory Body.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you would like to know more, check out our Information Sheet which includes answers to a number of frequently asked questions. 

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